
A little about me

Hi, I’m Tolu. I help young professionals break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, create a foundation for financial stability so that they can enjoy financial peace of mind in the long run.

If you’re tired of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle – and fed up with trying to figure this out on your own – you’re in the right place.

I coach young professionals who want to build lasting wealth but hate the idea of feeling deprived.

I show them how to confidently break free…… and I can help you too.

I can show you how to be financially prudent without feeling miserable.

You need the right tools, and the right guide

I understand what it feels like to be stuck.

I have always been a saver, big on creating budget and prudent in spending. You could probably attribute this to parental upbringing coupled with my profession as a Chartered Accountant. 

However, in 2016 I realized that I was not saving/investing with a purpose, I figured out that to build lasting wealth I needed to be intentional with my finance. I decided to turn a new leaf and take control of my finance.

Four years down the line I was able to invest in real estate, go back to school for a full-time course, fund international vacation for myself and loved ones, pay for several personal development courses and much more. This has set me on a path towards financial freedom and I have enjoyed the walk to this very day.

I simply changed how I approached my finance, and this led to an awesome transformation of not just my finances but my life.

Trust me, if I could do this, you can too.

I don’t have a magic wand. I just discovered ways of taking control of my finance , that has worked well for me and the young professionals I coach.

Just to let you know I am not just a chartered accountant; I’m also a certified personal finance coach. I have what it takes to guide you through the process.

Here’s what you should do next

If you’re living the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, then you owe it to yourself to break free. I’d strongly recommend you create a functional budget.

If you’d like my help to create a foundation for financial stability, check out my coaching programme. It’s a five-week course you can do from the comfort of your home. You’ll get weekly lessons, exercises and lots of guide and support.

We also have the one-on-one coaching that is aimed at providing a personalized strategic financial plan to take you from where you are at to where you want to be.